Wednesday, January 21, 2015

No more goody bags...

So my daughter, the fabulous L, will be resigning from the crazy birthday party club.  I don't want to do them anymore. And I am going to take a stab in the dark here and say neither does anyone else with children. I can hear you now, but I love to craft, bake, and spend money. Yeah, I do too. But I don't like to craft Disney stuff, and yeah I love cake… I make some amazing cupcakes… but I hate chocolate cake, oh yeah and that money, well our family is trying to get outta debt so filling goody bags with crap that will a) make your child's teeth rot or b) get lost in the floor of your car on the ride home which will end up resulting in a tearful tantrum because it was "the best" whatever it was, just isn't going to happen anymore. So now is your time to say thank you… So what is L possibly going to do since her horrible mom isn't putting on a show this year? Because, I can be honest and say I used to. We have had the following so far… 1: Zoo 2: Yo Gabba Gabba 3: Tinkerbelle 4: Rapunzel 5: Hawaiian and Pool Party (yeah folks we had 2) 6: Hawaiian Falls…

Enough… enough goodie bags, overspending, cakes that cost way too much and mommy downing almost an inappropriate amount of wine to stay sane.

So this year… my L will have a party, with friends, at the house. There will be a cake… from a box.  There will be fun… they will go outside…

And there will be an appropriate amount of wine. 


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