Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Go Big Red... ?

So I read the platform for both of the candidates for governor of Texas today.  Wendy Davis lost that race and I went looking for why. I had read the info before, but I wanted to see if I could see the other side.  If I could get behind Greg Abbott, because he's our governor whether I like it or not. Here's what I gathered. Each section is directly copied from his webpage, I'll give the link at the end.

End ObamaCare:Committed to Fighting and Repealing an Unconstitutional Tax. - Okay, except that there isn't a tax, there is a fine. And if you can't afford it... Well here is a list of exemptions that will most likely cover you... Additionally the fine for not having insurance is substantially less that having it anyway... Go ahead... Read... Here are the links.




Protect 2nd Amendment: Defending our Right to Bear Arms - Seriously, no one is taking the guns. It won't happen. But what should happen is regulation. I sure as hell don't know how, but something needs to change. My child's right to life is much more important that a gun bring sold to just anyone. Because she is precious. Her friends are precious. Her teachers are precious. And there are far too many of our babies dying on schools. I don't think it's all the guns, I think it's mental health first. But access to guns is something to look at.

Defend Traditional Values:Protecting the Texas Values that Define our Communities - Not so much... Let's over reach here dude. I don't have conservative values, so you aren't defending mine. I'm assuming you aren't defending the poor, minorities, or the LGBTQ values either.

Increase Transparency in Government Empowering Texans with Information and Transparency - LOL, whatever, politicians don't do that ever.

Rein in EPA Fighting the Burdensome, Job-Killing Policies of the Obama Administration - Because being environmentally aware is... Bad?

Defend Strong Voter ID Laws Protecting the Integrity of the Election Process - Less than 2 times a year on average. Seriously... Were passing laws because of two votes... Here... Go read...


Protect our ChildrenFostering Safety in our Communities - I can support this. But the side note would be that the same issue is on the democratic platform as well.

Safeguard Texas Consumers Protecting Texans from Fraudulent, Deceptive and Illegal Practices - Well good... I kinda thought that was a no brainer...

Defend the 10th Amendment Combating Federal Government Overreach in Texas - Well okay, but no talk if succeeding... That makes you look dumb... Oh wait... Perry did that...

Stop Human TraffickingBringing Traffickers to Justice - That is totally awesome!!!! The democrats want that too!! See you can be friends... Except that you don't like poor, minorities, women, or LGBTQ... So maybe not.

Look, I know where I live, I don't plan on moving. I know my POV is not the majority. But it's mine. I didn't care much before. I care now. I want my daughter to make the same as a man. I want her to be able to marry who she wants to. I want her to be able to go to college without concerns of debt. I want something better for her.

I used to just listen to what the TV said, I used to think they knew better. But then I realized that I can read the whole story. I can watch the full speech. I can decide for myself. I don't just read one side. I explore both. My views of the world have changed. My political alignment has changed. My morals have changed. Debate a topic with someone of opposing views, and do so respectfully. Learn from them and open your mind to things that make you uncomfortable. You'll learn many things. Like pro - choice doesn't always equal pro - abortion. I don't have to like babies being aborted to be an advocate for their right to choose. Being pro - regulation of firearms does not mean I don't think people can't own guns. I listened, learned, and grew.

I encourage you to do the same.


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