Change lanes... Pick up your phone... Look through your purse... Push buttons on the radio... Speed through an intersection... DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT. If I do one of those things, they won't bother me.
If I don't look, I won't see the sadness. If I don't look, I won't get that sinking feeling in my stomach. If I don't look, I won't see desperation. If I don't look, I won't see pain. If I don't look, they won't see me. If I don't look, I won't see them.
We avoid what is disturbing to us to an extent that we no longer see it. The beggar on the corner doesn't effect us in any other way other than to think to continue to avoid them. Better yet, our minds come up with labels that justify our actions to alleviate the guilt of avoiding someone else's plight. The refugees that flee to our country are illegal and we shouldn't let them in, the pan handler will only use my money for drugs, I don't have time to so and get food for him because I'll be made to my job, I pay taxes so should they...
Love... Love freely, love equally, love with abandon.